SMP Bina Anak Sholeh Tuban legitimized that this school become caring environment school. Teachers and students made some activities that support caring environment especially inside school environment and also outside school. Some activities was held i.a. cleaning school environment, cleaning beaches, differentiating organic rubbish and non-organic rubbish, making green house, establishing rubbish bank and making biopore hole around school. Not only students but also teachers often use nature environment around for studying, meeting and other activities.
One of activities of caring environment that we made is making biopore hole. Students and teachers made biopore hole together. Biopore hole is cylinder hole that is made vertically inside land as water absorption method for resolving water puddle with increasing absorption power in the land. This method is published by Dr. Kamir Raziudin Brata, one of researcher from Department of Soil Sciences and Land Resource, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. Increasing water absorption in the land is done by making hole in the land and heaping organic rubbish for creating compost fertilizer. Organic rubbish heaped in this hole can support land fauna life, then it can create some pores in the land. This simple method is called bipore. Thus, this hole not only can be water absorption but also create compost fertilizer.
There are some biopore holes around school. Then our job is preserving this hole in order that function well. As we know that the principal function of biopore hole is making water absorption and also creating compost fertilizer. Thus what are students’ jobs in preserving biopore hole?
In preserving school environment, we must know the different of organic and non-organic rubbish for using and processing the rubbish become useful stuff in our life. Organic rubbish is rubbish that is from residue of organism that lives in nature. Then this rubbish can be naturally unraveled. The examples of organic rubbish are fruit rind, vegetables, leaf and bone. These rubbishes are unraveled by bacteria in the land. While non-organic rubbish is rubbish that is produced by some processes. This rubbish can’t be naturally unraveled and it needs much time in decomposition. The examples of this rubbish are plastic, can, glass and electronics. We must know organic and non-organic rubbish so that we can put them into the appropriate place around school.
For creating compost fertilizer, we need organic rubbish to be put into biopore hole. So we must fill this hole with organic rubbish that is in rubbish can. This hole is not for non-organic rubbish. So, we must not fill this hole with non-organic rubbish. OSIS can make schedule for class in filling biopore hole with organic rubbish alternately. Therefore we can create compost fertilizer from organic rubbish. Then we can use this organic fertilizer for plants around school.
After some days inside the hole, organic rubbish will become compost fertilizer. Then, our job is taking this compost fertilizer inside the hole and giving to the plants around school. OSIS’ role is so important in making schedule in taking fertilizer and giving it to the plants alternately. After the fertilizer taken and given to the plant, do not forget to fill back the biopore hole with organic rubbish. We must do this activity continuously so this biopore hole can be functioned maximally. After this activity is done continuously, it will be culture for SMP Bina Anak Sholeh Tuban students. It will be good habit that they can bring into their home and other environment.
The last job is checking biopore hole regularly. We must check this hole in order to not fill with non-organic rubbish. Next, we also must check condition of biopore hole in rainy season. Whether the water can flow inside the land smoothly or there is some leaves stopping water flow into the land. The last, we also must check biopore condition whether it is still proper become biopore hole or not. If there is some broken parts, we should repair it so biopore hole can functioned well and it can be useful for environment around school.
Those are some jobs that we must be done, so biopore hole can be functioned maximally. Those will be good culture for the students. Students should be aware in caring environment around us. Many people are remiss in caring environment even though we will inherit this environment to our children. Don’t let them get bad environment. Let’s save environment around us and let’s preserve biopore hole around SMP Bina Anak Sholeh Tuban together!